Monday, August 24, 2009

It was like a great movie!

We received a few more comments, from our members, that I wanted to share with everyone.
Kathy Giddings of Assurity said, "The EcSELL Institute Sales Management Summit was like a great movie or book that when over, you didn't want it to end!"

Paraphrasing a comment from Doug Hamm, also from Assurity, he sent the following message to his boss, " ...not sure what you paid for us to be members of the EcSELL Institute, but whatever the investment was, it is worth it. Thanks for investing in my future."

Thanks Kathy and Doug for your warm support!

Learn more about the EcSELL Institute and how being part of a family of sales managers can impact you personally and professionally. or call 402 261-6948.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For those who listened well and acted accordingly, you should be receiving/seeing tangible benefits from the EcSELL Institute Sales Management Summit by now. I know someone is...

I received a message from one of our instructor's assistant who informed me that Kimberly Rath of Talent Plus has had conversations/meeting set with all but one company who attended the EcSELL Institute Sales Management Summit. Kimberly certainly didn't waste any time, nor perhaps did you. Those will certainly be win/win conversations.

All attendees committed a great many resources to be at the lovely St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco, so here is my question to you all..."What are you doing differently today?" You know the old line - if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten.

At a high level, there are two basic ingredients to growth:
1. Information
2. Implementation of information
EcSELL Institute is committed to bringing you information specific to sales management. It is your job as a sales executive to implement.

That said, please join us for our next 6 Pillars Of Productivity webinar on August 26 at 10:00am PST / 12:00noon CENTRAL/ 1:00 pm EST. We will be sharing break through information on how the selling brain works. Managers who understand this will have a significant advantage and be better equipped to build a motivated, satisfied sales team who consistently exceed their goals. Stop managing blind and start managing with insight! To learn more and register online, click on this link:

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Five Favorite Quotes from the EcSELL Institute Sales Managment Summit

I have been going through the audio recordings from the Summit. Over the few weeks I am going to post some of my favorite quotes from our excellent instructors. Here are my first fave five!

"Sell people their dreams, not your products." Dr. Lowell Catlett

" Never stop celebrating the success of your sales people." Kimberly Rath, Talent Plus

"You need to always remember who we are working for (sales managers work for their reps)" Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry, Institute for Health and Human Potential

"Leadership is a behavior, not a formal role." Kimberly Rath, Talent Plus

"The essence of industrialization is the division of labor. Why not apply this thinking to how we structure a sales team?" Justin Roff-Marsh, Ballistix

Learn more about EcSELL Institute's 6 Pillars of Productivity. Those that maintain a diligent focus on the 6 Pillars plus an ongoing, professional development program around management and leadership skills will be able to make the necessary adjustment to optimize the productivity of the sales department by creating a highly motivated sales team who regularly exceed their goals.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When you stop the pursuit of learning, you have turned off your career

We just wrapped up our EcSELL Institute Sales Management Summit with great reviews. It's truly amazing what can be delivered to your customers (members) when you have a team of dedicated associates and partners. The formula is not complicated; talented people, clear mission/objectives, unending commitment to customers and talented people...did I mention talented people?

The message, as pointed out by those who attended the Summit, was pretty clear - put an emphasis on the selection and development of your talent. If you study the science, most sales managers list the identification and selection of talent as the most critical Pillar that drives sales productivity, so it would make sense many of our instructors emphasized that need.

How could one listen to Kimberly Rath, of Talent Plus, and not implement the most cutting edge selection and development programs? How could one listen to Dr. Lowell Catlett and not get excited about what our future holds. Regardless of what your sell, how could you listen to Justin Roff-Marsh of Ballistix and not put in a process that creates more selling time for your reps? Dr. Mary Uhl-Bien, Director of the Global Leadership Institute, helped us understand the changing nature of leadership and the need to change the way we view and develop it. Dr. Pawliw-Fry, of the Institute for Health and Human Potential, made it infinitely clear our need to hire and develop emotional intelligence in all our associates. We will wait and see what happens, but EcSELL members are now loaded with enough fact-based information and best practices to begin the journey of maximizing productivity.

Events like this, whey you ask more than you tell, are very therapeutic. I love it when I am made to think more about asking good questions versus finding good answers. And, this only occurs when surrounded by bright people.

Shortly after the Sales Management Summit I was asked what I liked best, and I couldn't respond intelligently. Now I can - evening dinners, Monday and Tuesday night with our members and instructors. To get in the smaller, more intimate settings provided amazing, consequential conversations. Thanks to everyone who didn't let the learning end at 5:00pm!

We learned from some exceptional minds the past few days and I'm still soaking in the information and experiences. One of the most poignant quotes was from an EcSELL Institute member, Ken Eiken, Sr. VP Sales from Universal Weather and Aviation. While referring those who don't pursue a journey of continuing education he stated, " when you stop the pursuit of learning, you have turned off your career." Ken summarized in one sentence what the EcSELL Institute is all about - professional development for sales managers.

We thank everyone who attended and hope to see you back in March 2010!
As always, my door is open. Email me anytime at